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Swimming, Summer & Your Dentist

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Summer, Swimming and Booking Your Child’s Dentist Visit 

Our schedules fill up fast in the summer. No school means kids can attend dental appointments without missing time at school. That’s a big deal for kids and parents! Book your appointments now to get ahead of the rush! 

In addition to the simple convenience of attending appointments without getting children from school, your child’s dental health can benefit quite a bit from that twice-a-year visit to the dentist during the summer. Here’s why: 

Cleanings needed for swimmers 

Pool water has chemical additives, including chlorine, that can leave deposits on your kids’ pearly whites. If you notice brown stains, or if your child spends six or more hours a week at the pool, you may want to schedule a cleaning. “Swimmers’ calculus” is common among swimmers, and dental professionals can remove this difficult stain where normal brushing can’t. 

Mouthguards for summer sports 

Soccer, baseball, football and playing in the sun — these are healthy activities, but there’s the danger of accidents from contact. Consult your dentist for fitted mouthguards that do the job of protecting your child’s teeth. We can recommend products or even custom make mouthguards for serious athletes. 

We’ll see you soon! And have a great summer!

Written by Sundance Dental Clinic

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