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Category: Teeth Cleaning

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Do I Really Need a Dental Cleaning?

A dental hygienist using tools to provide a dental cleaning for a person with a radiant smile.

A radiant smile isn’t just achieved by routine brushing and flossing at home, it goes well beyond that. Regular dental checkups and thorough cleanings are integral to your oral health. Yes, you really do need a dental cleaning. Professional dental cleanings are important because they remove plaque and tartar buildup that regular brushing and flossing […]

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There are other reasons to get a professional teeth cleaning besides granting you a fresher, brighter smile. Did you know that having your teeth cleaned professionally is essential to your overall dental health, even if you’re a conscientious brusher and flosser? Here’s why. Why Brushing and Flossing Aren’t Enough Plaque buildup is the leading cause […]

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