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Can Dental Bridges Be Replaced?

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A patient smiling in a mirror while a dentist gestures to her teeth to indicate the results of replacing a dental bridge.

Dental bridges offer a convenient, long-lasting solution. They’re a great way to restore your smile and ability to speak and chew, but what happens if they’re damaged in some way? If you’re experiencing problems with a dental bridge, it’s time to visit a dentist.

While dental bridges are long-lasting, they aren’t invincible. Over time, general wear and tear can whittle away at the materials used to make your bridge. Fortunately, your dentist can replace or repair your bridge to keep your smile strong.

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is just as it sounds—an artificial replacement that bridges the gap between one or more missing teeth. Missing or damaged teeth can cause discomfort or problems, and bridges offer a solution to keep your smile strong.

When a bridge is installed, your dentist will install crowns on the surrounding teeth. The bridge anchors to these crowns and fills in the gap with a false tooth. This offers a stable and functional replacement for your missing teeth.

These false teeth can be made from a range of materials, including porcelain, ceramics, and different alloys. They’re designed to be durable, long-lasting, and easy to clean, making them a great way to replace missing teeth.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

When you’re missing a tooth, it’s not just about appearance. Over time, the surrounding teeth can shift, leading to changes in your bite and jaw alignment. This can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and even more tooth loss.

Dental bridges help prevent these problems by filling in the gap left by missing teeth. They improve your ability to chew and speak while preserving your facial shape, restoring your smile and comfort.

Are Dental Bridges Permanent?

While dental bridges are durable and long-lasting, they aren’t necessarily permanent. Like most materials, they’re vulnerable to wear and tear—there might be a point where they need professional repairs.

Fortunately, your dentist can help here. You’ll need to know when your bridges aren’t functioning properly anymore, so keep an eye out for:

  • Any discomfort or pain
  • Loose sensations
  • Visible damage, chips, or scratches
  • Difficulty in chewing or speaking
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s time to take action. Don’t ignore the signs that something is wrong—a loose or damaged bridge can quickly lead to more serious damage. Come talk to our team at Sundance Dental Clinic and let us help you; we can replace or repair your bridge and restore your smile.

A patient listening as an out-of-frame dentist gestures with a pen at how they plan to replace a dental bridge.

Caring for a Dental Bridge

Proper maintenance is key to extending the life of a dental bridge. You need to make sure you’re caring for your bridge just like your natural teeth, so try to always:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid causing undue wear and tear, and use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your teeth.
  • Floss regularly to dislodge any food particles and plaque. This helps prevent decay or disease, which can weaken the teeth. Important to use Superfloss or floss threader to clean under bridge
  • Using a Waterpik is recommended to clean under bridge 
  • Avoid any hard or sticky foods that could damage, dislodge, or weaken the bridge in any way. These can stick to the bridge and pull at the crowns.
  • Wear a sports guard during sports or night guard if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. This prevents excessive wear and tear on the bridge and surrounding teeth, keeping the area strong and supportive.

The simplest way to preserve the lifespan of your dental bridge is through good oral hygiene at home and regular appointments with our team at Sundance Dental Clinic. We can monitor your teeth and catch potential problems long before they damage your bridge.

Remember—maintenance is key to keeping a healthy smile. Our team is here to help!

What to Do if You Need Dental Care

If you’re dealing with a missing or damaged tooth, or have a dental bridge in need of replacement, professional support is key. And here at Sundance Dental Clinic, we know how to help. We can work closely with you to make sure your smile stays strong, supported, and bright, so don’t hesitate to ask for help! Book an appointment with our team, and let’s work together to keep you smiling.

Written by Sundance Dental Clinic

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